Sunday, January 28, 2007

Blurred Lines - Art vs. Photography

Is it art or is it photography? Where do you draw the line? This photo of glasses in the sun was taken to capture the light, colour, reflections and shadows of fairly ordinary objects made beautiful by their juxtaposition. These photographs have not been retouched.

The definition of art certainly can take as many forms as there are people defining it. With Photoshop and other digital manipulation available to the amateur on home computers the assumption is that no photography is pure any more. If it is an amazing photo, the general public is never sure whether it started out amazing or became amazing through the magic of manipulation. The question is - does it really matter? To the purist it certainly does, but to those of us who are artists and who take delight in the creative process, digital manipulation is one more tool through which an image can be enhanced - a digital paint brush of sorts. Other programs such as Corel Paint take this a step farther where the use of the paintbrush is taken to new levels both as an original piece of art or in combination with photography. The line blurs as technology takes creativity in new directions.

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